
Sometimes we reach moments in life where we have had enough, and it is quite remarkable how we react to it. A lot of us move on from that position and make substantial changes to our lives. One day you get to make massive shifts because there was a trigger that helped you make the changes necessary. Just think about that for a moment. We psychologically have repeat behaviors that we never challenge day in and day out. For example, over-eating, smoking, drinking, and drugs. Habits. Now and again, we may think on some level about it and then dismiss it. We may even progress from that and try to make the changes but can’t because we think we are addicted. Then comes the story of the day that changed. When you psychologically change, somehow. People lose massive amounts of weight or give up whatever had a hold of them for years. There was a blessed day when something changed. There are so many examples of people who talk about ‘the day when I woke up’. Can we create that? You bet but it is your psychology that you need to change. You need to start to question, think more about the things you dismiss, and don’t feel invincible because you may think you have plenty of time to make your moves. Why do I say this? It isn’t about not knowing how much time you have left it is the need to look at what time is.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


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